The following information taken principally from the Adjutant General's Reports.
(Many errors in dates, i.e. discharged before e. are as listed in reports)


The regiment was known as the "Gray Beard Regiment", from the fact that nearly or quite every member was over forty-five years of age. The regiment was formed during the Summer of 1862.

The Thirty-Seventh was assigned to guard duty at St. Louis , afterward at Alton, then at Rock Island. From there it went to Memphis, TN and Holly Spring, Ark, where regular duty was performed. It was in numerous skirmishes but no battles. No man from Linn county was killed in an engagement. By doing duty as guards of rebel prisoners, the Thirty-Seventh relieved another regiment of younger men. It was in the service about three years, but our informant, Mr. Hergeshamer, private in Company A, is unable to give exact dates.

Company A:
First Lieut. Jno McCall, e. as Sgt., 9/21/1862, promoted 1st lieut. 6/27/1863, resigned 11/6/1863 Second Lieut. Julius C. Hubbard, commissioned 12/15/1862, resigned 5/3/1863
Corp. Jos. Weaver, e. 9/8/1862
Corp. Sardies Little, e. 10/1/1862 discharged 5/21/1863
Corp. Lyman Pierce, e. 10/8/1862 discharged 10/12/1864
Wagoner Jno. Hays e. 9/7/1862
Boston Wm H. e. 10/22/1862, discharged 11/30/1864
Baker, Anthony, e. 10/5/1862
Bullis, Gideon e. 9/22/1862, died 3/13/1864 at Rock Island IL
Byford, Jno R. e. 11/15/1862
Carey A. e. 9/20/1862, discharged 11/2/1863
Caignay M. e. 9/16/1862
Haswell N. e. 10/8/1862 discharged 5/8/1863
Harris Jos. J. e. 9/19/1862
Harris, Benj. e. 9/5/1862, discharged 5/21/1863
Moore, Samuel e. 10/41862, discharged 5/24/1865
McCracken H. e. 9/22/1862
Markell Eli e. 9/8/1862, discharged 5/8/1863
McCord T. e. 9/3/1862
Miller, Wm H. e. 9/20/1862, discharged 1/2/1865
Nash Joseph e. 9/6/1862
Norton Lyman e. 9/5/1862, discharged 7/31/1863
Outcault F. e. 9/8/1862, discharged 4/4/1863
Reed Warren e. 11/1862, discharged 5/30/1863
Sergeant A. e. 10/2/1862, discharged 11/9/1864
Sperry Lewis e. 9/8/1862, discharged 5/14/1865
Whitbeck, Andrew, e. 9/26/1863, discharged 4/2/1865
Wood Chauncey e. 9/2/1862, discharged 5/8/1865
Washburn H. e. 10/1/1862, discharged 11/19/1863
Company H:
Cole H.A. e. 10/1/1863, died 1/12/1863 at Muscatine
Company K:
Wood Chauncey e. 9/2/1863, discharged 5/8/1865

Cagney M. e. 9/16/1862

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